Mulberry Memories
/Lesley takes a licking and keeps on ticking
On May 18th Gil and I went out for a bike ride. At the end of our street I had a really serious accident that sent me catapulting over my handlebars and landing 12 ft away on a concrete sidewalk. The result was a broken left arm and a bruised, displaced and extremely painful right clavicle. Thankfully I was wearing my helmet, which I always do, or I probably wouldn't be able to write this. All this to tell you that it has slowed me down a bit. The remaining staff stand at the ready to serve you and I will be back in the quick as soon as I can!! - Lesley
Tree of the Month
Mulberry • Morus alba
A memory shared by Mike Kaniok, a compassionate and caring financial planner with Edward Jones
Photo by Lesley Bruce Smith: Mulberry tree branch in spring
When I was a little kid, all the way up to about 13 years of age, we lived across the street from my grandparents' house. In their back yard was a large Mulberry tree.
I loved that tree. We spent all summer every year climbing that tree. We would eat mulberries until we were sick. My grandmother would place a large sheet under the tree and we would shake the branches so mulberries would fall and she could use them to bake us a pie.
The tree was always second base when we played baseball, and if you could hit the ball over the tree, it was an automatic home run.
That Mulberry tree was such an important part of our lives because it provided us shade in the hot summer sun and it gave us a healthy snack every time we walked by. But most importantly, it gave us memories that have lasted decades.
Thinking back, I can barely remember what the inside of my house looked like at that age...but I will never forget that tree!
We thank Michael for sharing his tree memory with us and invite you to share yours. Any submission can be sent to We suggest it be 350 words or less, and please give us permission to share it in our newsletter. We reserve the right to edit as needed and will notify you if it is to appear in our newsletter. Thanks for the memories!