An Invitation to a Different Kind of Journey
/Mother Nature’s Moment
by: Lesley Bruce Smith, ISA certified arborist
Gilbert and Lesley Smith
As many of you know, nine months ago, I sustained a litany of injuries in a serious bicycle accident. We were so grateful for the many ways you were patient and caring in that difficult time. Unfortunately, I need to ask for your patience and understanding yet again. On February 2, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, we caught it early and it is in initial stages and very treatable. However, no one wants to hear their name and the word cancer in the same sentence. This is a journey I would rather not be having to make.
I have surgery scheduled at the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Zion on Friday, March 4. I want to reassure our clients that although this is another difficult season in my life and I will need to take some time to heal, I should be back in the swing by our busy spring season. Gil and I, after much research and consultation with our physicians have decided to take three weeks in March to go to the Hippocrates Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida after my surgery. While there I will be undergoing extensive and intensive therapies for cancer treatment and healing.
I have also established a Caring Bridge Website that I have set up so if anyone is interested in following my story they are welcome to. Visit to register for a free account and type in: lesleybrucesmith. Thanks for your understanding and your support. My healing depends a great deal on my network of support and the prayers and well wishes of others. I am so grateful for everyone’s loving care.